Tech Hiring Growing...
A CNN report describes that hiring in IT is increasing in the U.S. and is outpacing the loss of jobs due to offshoring.
from the article:
Again, more confirmation that while the phenomenom of outsourcing is real, it does not mean the death of IT as a career in the U.S. and while there has been a lot of press coverage and hype concerning offshoring, we must be equally committed to balance that part of the story with stories about the growing IT job market here in the U.S.
Thanks to Paul for bringing this to my attention.
from the article:
The Association for Computing Machinery, a professional development organization that includes academic, government and industry officials from the information technology field, released a study Thursday that said that shifting IT jobs to countries like India or China is not nearly the threat to workers here that is commonly believed.
The study cites estimates that between two to three percent of IT jobs will be lost annually to lower-wage developing countries through the process known as offshoring. But it said the U.S. IT sector's overall growth should outpace that loss of jobs, expanding opportunities for those trained in fields such as software architecture, product design, project management and IT consulting.
Again, more confirmation that while the phenomenom of outsourcing is real, it does not mean the death of IT as a career in the U.S. and while there has been a lot of press coverage and hype concerning offshoring, we must be equally committed to balance that part of the story with stories about the growing IT job market here in the U.S.
Thanks to Paul for bringing this to my attention.
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